SEA-FYM ( South East ASEAN-Forestry Youth Meeting ) is forestry event which will be held to celebrate the world forestry day. This event will be organized by IFSA Local Committee IPB and would be attended by forestry students from the 10 ASEAN countries. The participants from ASEAN countries will be attending the 1st SEA-FYM in Indonesia on 12th – 16th Desember 2011. The meeting will take place in West Java, Indonesia. The schedule of activities will be held for lectures and seminar, fieldtrip or excursion, cultural night.
Host Kampus : IPB Tipe : Seminar/Workshop Tema : Lingkungan Hidup Lokasi : Jabodetabek Tanggal Pelaksanaan : 12-26 Desember 2011 Tempat Pelaksanaan : Auditorium Toyyib Hadiwijaya Faperta IPB, Gunung Wallat Fducational Forest Waktu Pelaksanaan : 06.00 - Selesai HTM : n.a Contact Person / 081264762671 Website : Facebook : - Twitter : @seafym2011